Countering Military Recruiters in Our Schools
"No one should have to kill or support killing for an education or citizenship"
-David Ledesma
  Useful Information  
  The FACTS about money for college. DID YOU KNOW...  
  Options after High School  
  Important Articles  
  Daily Iraq and Afghanistan Information and Statistics  
  Recruiters Threaten DEP Recruits  
  DEP Recruit Escapes Recruiter Threats  
  Bush admits the Lie  
  Famous Oreo Cookie Video:  
  - Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream discusses how to "take America back from the current craziness" on  
  Recommended Books  
  Recommended DVDs  
  ONE VOICE! is a community based organization that encourages students and all young people to seek alternatives to military service, like college or vocational training, after High School.

Our mission is to visit local campuses to educate students that joining any branch of the military only helps to support the Military Industrial Complex of war profiteers, and the lobbyists and politicians that represent their interests, through corrupt foreign policies that oppress people of other nations.


It is always the rank and file service members that suffer the biggest burden of war and pay the ultimate price of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), a damaged body, or death because of those corrupt policies.

Any time American troops, their families, and the American public are lied into military invasions and interventions of other nations, it is a dangerous time for anyone to risk life and limb by joining the military.

America should be fully funding education for all, investing in the future of our country -- our young people. We hope to play an integral part in making a significant reduction in recruitment on a local level, which will send a message to Washington D.C. and across America that students and young people refuse to support government policies that are not in their interest and the interest of people of other nations and the planet.

  Friends of One Voice!  
  National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force  
  Irag Veterans Against the War  
  Veterans for Peace  
  Courage to Resist